Local climate action in the Tillingbourne Valley

Who are we?


We are a growing, community group of people living and working in The Tillingbourne Valley that are taking action to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss though local initiatives.

As the Tillingbourne Stream connects our villages from Leith Hill to Shalford, before flowing on to rivers and seas, we recognise that our lives are connected to nature and humanity far beyond our beautiful valley.

Exploring the challenges and making opportunities


    Join or start a local group and take action against littering. Aside from being unsightly, litter is polluting and causes harm to our local wildlife.


    We would like to make our village schools greener. Eco-Schools a UK based organisation that provides a support network to schools and parents wanting to take local action.


    Do you know how heat escapes from your home? It’s never been more important to understand the efficiency of our homes. Discover more with a free thermal imaging survey.


    Reducing our meat consumption can boost the entire planet’s health. The ecological benefit is well-supported, but if you are stuck wondering what to prepare, then we have some great resources to help you get started.


    We can increase biodiversity in our own gardens by creating mixed hedges. But what makes a good mixed hedge?


    We are not alone in our willingness to reduce the environmental impact our villages have. There are already an abundance of local resources and groups available for us to use.

Outdoor Green Cinema

The Tillingbourne Green Outdoor Cinema will launch in Spring 2022 with a

varied selection of movies and supporting local green initiatives.

Expression Through Art

A chance to see how our young people express their feelings and opinions about climate change and environmental issues.

If your family would like to make contribution to our gallery, please contact us.

“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water, and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.”

— David Attenborough, COP26

“If we pollute the air, water and soil that keep us alive and well, and destroy the biodiversity that allows natural systems to function, no amount of money will save us.”

— David Suzuki

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