Thermal Imaging Reports

Understand the performance of your home, workplace or community building.


Energy efficiency is something we are hearing more and more about. It’s important because it affects the environment, our planet and our wallets, so it’s worth taking a little time to understand what you can do.

Conducting energy saving measures creates a warmer, drier, and properly ventilated environment, which lowers the risk of illness and mold growth.

With rising fuel costs and supply uncertainty, could there be a better time to think about insulation?

What is thermal imaging?

It’s a technique used to detect the heat given off by an object, in this case your home, office or community building. The thermal imaging camera produces an image so steps can be taken to reduce the areas of heat and energy loss.

How it works?

Thermal Imaging reports can be undertaken at most times of year, but winter months are inevitably better with a greater temperature differential from outside to inside of the building… at least we hope!

Once you have arranged a mutually convenient time you are all set!

There is no need to access your home and images are taken from a distance back from each elevation of your home or building.

The images from your report are then emailed to you or sent via SMS.

To understand how you can best interpret your thermal images and consider options for improving your home insulation, we have suggested some resources that we feel may be helpful lower down.

Naturally, as a free volunteer service we are not best placed to provide specific advice on building works or recommend builders.


Drop us a line to arrange a mutually convenient time.

 Interested in planning a FREE street thermal imaging event?

It’s your chance to team up with neighbours on environmental action. A chance for you to consider solutions together which could improve your purchasing power.

Please email us via the form above to have a conversation.


There are many ways to improve the efficiency of your home, reduce your energy bills and reduce waste.

Here are a few links to companies who can help that you may find useful.

 Previous surveys

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